The Weekly Wrap: May 24th to May 30th


A detailed look at last week’s reading habits: Seven books read including four re-reads and one book from my Up Next Shelf I’ve been reading for a long time.


Last Week’s Blog UpdatesLast Week’s Goodreads Reviews
πŸ“– Weekly Wrap: May 17th to May 23rdπŸ“š The Enemy by Sarah Adams


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Weekly Review

What I’ve Read This Week

Key: πŸ” re-read | ❌ DNF | πŸ“œ from my Up Next shelf | πŸ“² eARC

In Harmony
A Five-Minute Life
What We Talk About When We Talk about Rape
Until December
Sugar & Gold
Wait for It

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Reading Challenge Status: 150Complete: 365

My Reading Progress

I haven’t read a clean romance in quite a while. To be honest, I started The Match by Sarah Adams before realizing it was a clean romance but it didn’t detract from the book in any way. Honestly, The Match reminded me of a classic romantic comedy. There was just enough angst, humour and character development.

The single-dad trope has been really popular in my recent romance reads. I loved how The Match had the Hero, Jacob’s daughter, Sam was a significant character in the novel. The only detractor was how hot and cold Jacob was.

I’m so proud that I finished Memory Serves by Lee Maracle last week! I’ve been reading this book since January 2021 and I had reached a point that I never thought I would finish it. My struggle to finish Memory Serves wasn’t a reflection on my enjoyment – I rated it 4-stars. Rather, it was a reflection on my reading mood which has been a bit wonky the past few months.

In other news, I’m really proud that I’ve stuck to my low key booking buying ban. It’s made me appreciate my Up Next Shelf and “shop” my bookshelf.

Up Next Shelf Progress

A reminder: my Up Next Shelf is comprised of all the unread books I want to read and have purchased.

I finally finished Memory Serves by Lee Maracle! Another bonus, I didn’t purchase any new books last week either.

Want to Read Updates

Get the Book: πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ ~ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

You will like The Family Tree by Sairish Hussain if you appreciate:
✨ Debut
✨ Tells the moving story of a British Muslim family
✨ Emotionally powerful
✨ Exploration of family loyalty

Get the Book: πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ ~ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ ~ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

You will like The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah if you appreciate:
✨ Historical Fiction
✨ World War II
✨ Impact of Nazi-occupied Paris on women
✨ Sisterhood

Get the Book: πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

You will like Finn by E.M. Moore if you appreciate:
✨ Contemporary Romance
✨ MMA fighting and gang themes
✨ Slowburn Romance
✨ Romantic Suspense

The Upcoming Week

To Be Read

I’m over halfway through The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner. I find it funny how my perspective preference (18th century vs. 21st century) keeps changing as the book continues. My interest is waning a bit in the middle of the book since the suspense is stressing me out. But I really like the main characters.

My currently reading list also includes the following books:

  • Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
  • I Hope I Join the Band by Frankie Condon
  • Temper the Soul by Catharine Glen

I’m taking a break from The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi. I’m not really in the mood for a book that’s completely character-driven.

To Look Forward To This Week

Books like For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten make me regret my book buying ban. I LOVE books that put their own twists on fairytales – hence why retellings are one of my favourite genres. The author posted content warnings for the book that you can check out here.

For the Wolf released yesterday (June 1st). Another anticipated book that released yesterday was One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston.

Releasing later this week is the 8th book in the Steel Demons MC series, Ruthless by Crystal Ash.

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You Should See Me in a Crown
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
I Hope I Join the Band: Narrative, Affiliation, and Antiraciset Rhetoric

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