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The Weekly Wrap: November 2nd to November 8th

A detailed look at last week’s reading habits: seven new books read (two from my Up Next shelf), three new books I want to read featuring a coming-of-age LGBTQIA+ historical fiction set in Ireland, a YA fantasy revolution-based novel and a mother-daughter contemporary fiction story and a look at all the books I want to read this upcoming week.

The Monthly Wrap: October

22 books, no DNFs, four books knocked off my Up Next shelf, 12 new books at the top of my want to read list–two of which I've already purchased–and seven book reviews with the following themes: whodunnit mystery, classic romance tropes, challenging beauty ideals and meant to be (part two).

14 New Books: My October Book Haul

My October Book Haul includes both my hardcopy and ebook purchases I've made since my September book haul (click here to see). The haul totals to 14 books (including ebooks), and every book, except for two, is a book I've wanted to read for months! Despite October being a month dedicated to spooky reads, I've never been much of a mystery/thriller fan. However, I'm broadening my typical reading genres by including a mystery in this haul!

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You Should See Me in a Crown
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
I Hope I Join the Band: Narrative, Affiliation, and Antiraciset Rhetoric

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