Poetry from Falling For You by Lisa Schroeder


From the bestselling book Falling for You by Lisa Schroeder,  here’s a sneak peek at one of the amazing poems written by Rae who’s the heroine in this novel! I hope these poems reach out to you as they did me … and drive you to purchase this book!

Note: Both poems are from this book, and written by Lisa Schroeder (that I know of) and are not the only poems in the book!

Who Am I?

I’m the girl
keeping secrets,
bottled up tight.

The girl
with the parents
who yell day and night

The girl
who’s never been
quite good enough.

The girl
crying inside
but acting all tough.

But something strange happens
when I’m with you.
I forget who that girl is,
because what do you do?

You tell me sweet things
that I’ve never heard.
Suddenly “beautiful”
is more than a word.

When we walk down the hall,
holding hands, you and me,
I’m the cute guy’s girlfriend,

the one
other girls
wish they could be.

 The Colors of Me
by Anonymous

Black like the ace of spades
when you yell my name,
cussing in the next breath,
like I’m as dirty as the word.

Red like a painful sunburn,
lingering for days,
the anger never cooling
between you and me.

Gray like bits of gravel
as I walk along the path,
barefoot and alone,
my voice never heard.

Yellow like a baby chick
free from its confining shell,
when I’m busy at work,
surrounded by joy.

Pink like a rosebud
ready to bloom into greatness,
nurtured with tender care
when friends are near.

White like a cloud,
flying free, lined with hope,
drifting and dreaming
of a life without darkness.

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