Goodreads Book Tag: New Reads and Exciting TBR Picks


Quick Take: Dive into my Goodreads Book Tag for a curated journey through my recent reads, reflections, and exciting TBR picks!


It’s been over two years since I participated in the Goodreads Book Tag, yet here I am again, using it to update people on the books currently holding my attention.

I don’t know who started this tag, but I first saw it on Stephen’s blog (Stephen Writes), which was inspired by the blog Misty’s Book Space.

What was the last book I marked as read?

I purchased Earls Trip by Jenny Holiday when I was embroiled in watching S3 of Ted Lasso when I came across this book, which is inscribed with:

Roy: “Who the fuck are the Diamond Dogs?”
Ted: “It’s just a group of people who care, Roy. Not unlike folks at a hip-hop concert whose hands are not in the air.”

Ted Laso

Of course, I immediately bought it. I loved the premise — a trio of best friends going on their annual boys’ trip, ahem, earls trip because they’re all earls (or will eventually become earls after their fathers pass). The healthy and loving relationship between the Hero, Archie, and his two best friends was amazing! I also enjoyed the romance between Archie and his childhood friend (who he’s just reconnected with), Clementine. But, I had a harder time connecting to Clementine and her sister. Both seemed frightfully unaware – Clementine of Archie’s feelings and anything about her sister, and Olivia (the sister) recognizing that it’s never ok to run away with her sister’s fiancé … even if she doesn’t want to marry him anymore! So, Earls Trip was a fun book, but I felt a bit disconnected from the romance because I didn’t love Clementine nor think she really appreciated Archie.

What am I currently reading?

I’m currently reading Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino, a collection of eight essays on the digital revolution, its intersections with mainstream culture and how it warps our lives. I’ve read two essays, both pretty meh (on the Internet and reality TV). There are a few passages where the writing becomes convoluted (or maybe self-indulgent is a better word). I have hope the book will get better! I’m excited about the third essay, Always Be Optimizing, which begins with “The ideal woman has always been generic.” Colour me intrigued!

What was the last book I marked as TBR?

I guess books exploring themes about distortion are my vibe this month? While Trick Mirror explores cultural criticism through essays, in Doppelganger, author Naomi Klein uses memoir and reportage to unravel the consequences of the erosion of Truth and Fact in Western politics.

What book do you plan to read next?

One of the YouTubers I follow randomly decided to read the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi, and their reaction to the first book influenced me to put it on hold at my library. I’m actually planning on reading Shatter Me this weekend. I’m hopeful it’ll reignite my interest in reading since I’ve felt slumpy these past two weeks.

This series came out more than a decade ago and was one of the OG book fandoms of the 2010s. It’s a dystopian YA romance — it sits in similar circles to The Hunger Games and Divergent but with more romance, I think — that has the obligatory love triangle and a protagonist cursed (gifted?) with a deadly power that can be used to save (or destroy?) the world.

Do I use a star rating system?

Yes, I do! I still use my rubric I developed so long ago, but I’ve gotten pretty good at using my gut to differentiate between a 4.75 and 5-star rating, for example.

Am I doing a 2024 reading challenge?

Yes, I’m participating in the Goodreads Reading Challenge – I’m 20 books behind my goal of reading 400 books this year. But with the whole summer ahead of me, I’m not worried.

I’ve also created a page on my blog to track my progress in all the other reading challenges I’m participating in!

Do I have a wishlist?

I do! I have an Amazon Wishlist, but I haven’t updated it in over a year.

What book do I plan to buy next?

The book I buy next will likely be my July Book of the Month pick (and I obviously don’t know what that selection will be).

But, if I’m thinking of books outside of BOTM… I’ll probably purchase The Art of Catching Feelings by Alicia Thompson when it releases next week on June 18th. I could use a feel-good sports romance right now.

Do I have any favourite quotes?

How does anyone bear themselves? How can anyone stare into the darkest corners of humanity and return to the office, enter the meeting room, and deliver the presentation? How do we all just keep working?

Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

The women had a story to tell, even if the world wasn’t quite yet ready to hear it, and their story began with three simple words. We were there.

The Women by Kristin Hannah

It’s not surprising that the philosopher who introduced the idea of radical doubt was a woman, since women learn to question themselves from a young age. Contemporary philosopher and artist Adrian Piper noticed this too. She says that women are especially adept at philosophical doubt because “their judgement, credibility and authority start to come under attack during puberty, as part of the process of gender socialization. They are made to feel uncertain about themselves, their place in society and their right to their own opinions.”

How to Think Like a Woman by Regan Penaluna

Who are my favourite authors?

This is a difficult question, and in the interest of not repeating my answer from my 2022 Goodreads Book Tag, I’ve decided to list the three authors I’ve read from the most this year (all of whom are romance authors).

I’ve read 10 of Catherine Cowles’s books this year and adored her newest release, Fragile Sanctuary. Most of her romances are small-town romantic suspense.

I’ve read 12 of Elisa Braden’s historical romances this year and was ecstatic when A Marriage Made in Scandal surpassed my expectations!

Finally, I’ve read 11 of Suzanne Wright’s paranormal romances in 2024, and I also loved her latest release in the Olympus Pride series, When He Dares (her first marriage-of-convenience trope in this world).

Have I joined any Goodreads groups?

I haven’t joined any Goodreads groups recently.


Despite my recent reading history showing a good mix of high 3 and 4-star reads (and a few 5-star re-reads), I’ve read an unusual number of 2-star books in June. Plus, many books I thought I would adore haven’t met my expectations. So, while this book tag was a fun way to summarize my recent reads (and future hopefuls), it’s also my attempt to jump-start my reading again.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this glimpse into my bookish world, feel free to explore more of my blog. Don’t forget to check out my previous Goodreads Book Tag post for even more literary inspiration. Happy reading!

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