From the bestselling book Falling for You by Lisa Schroeder, here’s a sneak peek at one of the amazing poems written by Rae who’s the heroine in this novel! I hope these poems reach out to you as they did me … and drive you to purchase this book!
(more…)A List of Phobias courtesy of Need by Carrie Jones
I find it interesting how many different phobias there are out there. They cover common fears to more unique ones, like the fear of sitting in a car.
Yes, that actually is a phobia but to each their own.
So without further ado, here’s a list of some phobias I learned from Need by Carrie Jones:
Phobophobia Fear of having phobias
Mnemophia Fear of memories
Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school
Sitophobia Fear of eating
Amaxophobia Fear of riding in a car
Couplogagophobia Fear of being the third wheel
Philophobia Fear of falling in love or being in love
Scotophobia The fear of darkness
Malazophobia Fear of love play
Autophobia Fear of being alone
Phonophobia Fear of noises or voices
Teratophobia Fear of monsters or deformed people
Hormephobia Fear of shock
Algophobia Fear of eating
Pogonophobia Fear of facial hair, mostly beards
Vitricophobia Fear of stepfather
Necrophobia Fear of death
Agateophobia Fear of insanity
Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied up
Nyctohylophobia Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night
Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals
Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia Fear of movement or motion
Noctiphobia Fear of the night
Asthenophobia Fear of fainting or weakness
Atychiphobia Fear of failure
Autophobia Fear of oneself