The Do-Over by MK Schiller


Series: Standalone

Release Date: October 7th, 2013

Arrogant womanizer Kyle Manchester hates blind dates; however, when best friend, Brad calls in a favor, insisting Kyle take out his girlfriend’s sister, Kyle reluctantly agrees. Attorney Lanie Carmichael’s appearance is no surprise. She is dowdy, awkward, and dressed in so many layers she resembles a wedding cake, but not in an edible way. Her brazen attitude though, astonishes him, especially when she explains she has no interest in gorgeous Kyle. Lanie Carmichael is in love with Brad, and wants Kyle’s assistance in winning his best friend’s heart.

Kyle gradually accepts, justifying that the mystery of Lanie has sparked his natural, thirsty curiosity. As an ambitious journalist, he also can’t resist the Pulitzer worthy scoop she offers him. However, as Lanie sheds more layers, both emotionally and physically, Kyle begins to examine his life choices, and his true feelings for this enigmatic girl. With Kyle’s support, Lanie begins to unravel the secrets of her past, and the deep pain that has quietly defined her life. As they each learn more about themselves and each other, both question how a relationship built on fraudulent lies between two broken people could ever survive.


No strong representations of the following:
• BIPOC characters
• LGBTQIA+ characters
• characters with a disability
And doesn’t address fatphobia
<strong>Possible Triggers</strong>
• Physical abuse
• Emotional abuse
• Abortion
<strong>Safety Rating:</strong> Safe with Exceptions
No cheating
Does have OW/OM drama
– The Heroine fancies herself in love with the Hero’s best friend
– The Hero is a mega player and sleeps around a lot
No descriptive sex scene with OW/OM
Does have the Hero and Heroine pushing away
Does have a separation between the Hero and Heroine
• See Ending for HEA status.
• See Possible Triggers for Abuse and OTT sad parts.

Rating: 4.25/5 stars

The Do-Over has been a re-read and then read again since I purchased it… what? Two months ago? It’s that good, and it’s that entertaining!

I adored how Lanie has a very blunt personality and isn’t afraid to lay all her cards on the table. I admit that in the beginning, Kyle was a bit of a jerk and an asshole, but I loved how Lanie completely shocks him with her comebacks and her lack of tears at his jabs. It says something about the hero, though, when he’s actually trying to get the heroine to cry.

“Just show a little skin once in a while. You look like a member of a freaking Mormon cult or something. We live in Chicago, not Baghdad.”

The writing wasn’t anything to rave about but both the pace of the book and plot development kept me really engaged in the story. The transition from Kyle doing Lanie a favour out of pity and curiosity to actually wanting to just be with Lanie was awesome.

Now the characters! Lanie, I adored! She’s so strong and tough and although people assume (like Kyle) that she’s a complete pushover, she actually has it all figured out.

“To what, Kyle? To defend me? To judge me? I’m not some playground kid who’s bullied. You don’t need to protect me. I’m a smart, independent woman who understands how the game is played,” she said, waving her fork around dramatically.

Kyle grew on me, he eventually showed his sweet side and is everything that Lanie needed; she needs that bluntness with people who she wants to be close to. The supporting characters like Lanie’s sister and her mother were horrid! I wanted to freaking slap her sister in the face every time she opened her mouth! Kyle was outraged too, and he didn’t even know half of it… like that “I’m a ten and you’re a two” thing… puh-lease.

Brad, I liked although he’s kind of seen as the evil guy but not as evil as Lanie’s sister or mother in Kyle’s POV. Brad does have a sad history so you do feel sympathetic towards him although, for me, I was Team Kyle to the end (except for that slight hiccup).

My one main problem with The Do-Over was the climactic part where, of course, the hero makes an ass out of himself because he doesn’t believe in emotions. Urgh. It’s so typical and predictable. It’s basically mandatory for books in the teen-harlequin or harlequin genre. Although Kyle’s time spent away pissed me off… a lot… I loved how when he got back it wasn’t a simple, “oh you’re here, I love you.” Kyle was considerate about what Lanie wanted and Lanie actually stopped to think! Lanie didn’t immediately take him back, and Kyle had to work and prove to Lanie he deserved her.

In all, this book was fantabulous… the stereotypical climax stopped it from reaching 5-stars though.

Other Books I’ve Read by MK Schiller

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